To open Roadview Explorer, launch a compatible web browser and enter the following address:
Clicking the Search a Route button will open the Route Search panel, which may include the following options for searching:
Note that the available items you see may vary depending upon your setup.
Once you have selected the desired route options, click the Go To Mileage, Go To Frame ID, or Go To Location button. The route then opens at the specified mileage.
You can adjust the route position by clicking the Adjust Route button (). The Adjust Route window opens, where you can change the route position (such as change the mileage position, change the year/cycle, or change the lane). The range of values for the route is also displayed below each field.
Note that the options in the Route Adjust window may differ based on your system's setup.
You can zoom in on both the right-of-way and pavement images. To enter zoom mode for right-of-way images, click the Zoom button in the control panel, or double click in the right-of-way images area.
An indicator appears at the top of the photo area telling you that the zoom mode is activated. The three right-of-way images can be zoomed and panned together. You can zoom with the mouse scroll wheel or by clicking the plus (+) and minus (-) controls on the right-side of the photo area. The current zoom factor is displayed between the plus and minus controls. Clicking the R control resets the image to the initial zoom.
You can exit the zoom mode by clicking the Zoom button again or by double-clicking in the right-of-way image area.
To zoom in on a pavement image (if shown), click the Enlarge (+) button on the bottom of the pavement image. The enlarged image appears in an overlay.
You can adjust the brightness and contrast of images in the photolog by right-clicking in the photolog and selecting the Adjust Images option. The adjustments panel then opens and you can adjust the brightness and contrast of each image. The adjustments will be maintained as you advance through or play through frames.
To remove any image adjustments, right-click in the photolog and select the Remove Adjustments option.
To save the photolog as a JPEG, right-click in the photolog and select the Save Image option. The image will be saved to your computer.
If there any adjustments to the camera positions to make multiple photolog images appear seamless, those adjustments will not be made in the saved image.
To export multiple photolog and pavement images into a zip folder, click the Export Images to Zip button to open an overlay.
The mileage range is auto-populated with the current mileage plus the next 10 frames. This may be adjusted. Use checkboxes to select the camera and pavement images you would like to download. Exceeding the limit of downloads will disable the download button.
The table displays information relevant to the frame that is being displayed, including:
When pavement images are available, they will appear next to the right-of-way images. To view a larger image of the pavement, click the icon at the bottom of the pavement image. The Pavement panel then opens.
In the Pavement panel, a larger view of the pavement image appears. The image is scaled to fit in the available space.
Frame Control allows for stepping forwards or backwards one frame.
If available, Transverse Profiles may be turned on.
To zoom in on the image, click the measuring icon at the top-right of the Pavement panel. Use the mouse wheel or zoom slider to zoom the image in and out. You can pan (slide) the image by dragging the mouse.
The following drawing tools are available:
You can remove all measurements from the image and the table by clicking the Clear button above the Measurements table.
Opening the map in its own window allows you to view, filter, and sort assets. Click the icon at the bottom of the map to pop out the map. The popped out map has a dropdown of different asset feature layers to select from. Selecting a layer will display the features of the current route on the map with an accompanying table.
Unchecking 'Only Current Route' will display all of the selected features in the project on the map and table. There is also an option to filter/sort by column.
Clicking on a row in the table will move the map to that feature's location. You can then double click on the map near the asset to load the location of that asset in Roadview Exploerer and view it in more detail on the main page.
The table can also be exported to a CSV.
This tool enables you to draw a shape around features on the map as a method of filtering them on the map and table.
Select the box to the right of the arrow in the bottom right corner of the map to use the Sketch Widget.
Once the box is selected, the cursor will turn into a crosshair on the map and a shape can be drawn on the map.
After the shape is drawn, click within the shape to modify the shape's orientation, position, and size.
Clicking once more within the shape will enable you to move the shape's verticies.
After the desired shape is created, click outside of the shape to see the features within the updated shape.
To delete the shape, click within the shape and then click the trash can symbol in the bottom right.
Esri Feature Layers from outside sources can be added to view on the map, table, and Lidar Viewer, when available and within the extent of the current route. To add your own Esri feature layers to the map, click the Add Layer button.
Clicking the button will open an overlay. Clicking Add Url will create a new text box. Enter a valid FeatureServer url into the box. To ensure a url is valid, make sure it is to a feature service end point of a Feature Layer that is publicly accessible.
Select Add Url again if you wish to add additional layers. Once the desired urls are added and validated, select Add to Map.
The custom layers will now appear in the layerlist and the Select Feature Layer dropdown. You can select these layers from the Select Feature Layer dropdown to view a layer in an accompanying table.
To view and modify the custom layers on the map, click Add Layer. Layers may be deleted or added.
Click the Print button to open a printable report containing the current images and route information.
You can link directly to a specific frame by including parameters in the URL. The following parameters are available:
For more information on specific rules, go to the Route Search API Documentation.
You can email a link to the current route position to another user. To send a route position message, click the Email icon (), and complete the information in in the Email Route Link window. After the Route Link field, there is a button to copy the route's link to a clipboard as another method to share.
You can generate an IRI table and charts for IRI and Rutting for a given route. You can export the table as a CSV. To make the reports, click the IRI reports button () and a window will appear.
The table and chart will update with playback. The charts may be viewed either as a one mile section or the entire route by toggling Full Route. You can also jump to a specific location of a route by clicking on a row in the table or double clicking on the charts. Additionally, you can sort the table by any field in the table.
You can set default pavement image and map types for Roadview Explorer. These settings will be saved so that after you close Roadview Explorer, the next time you re-open or refresh the app, the settings will be in effect.
To set your preferences, click the settings icon () just above the embedded pavement image and embedded and popped out map. Dropdowns will appear where you can make your selection.
Lidar playback starts with a jump to the current frame location
User sees a byte counter and warning message during image export when the size of the archive exceeds 2GB
A custom KML file can be added to the Map. The file should be hosted on a remote server
Sign picker shows description of the selected field
A user can add, edit, and save multipoint features such as lines and polygons (assets) with Lidar Viewer
A user can add or remove a feature vertice with the hotkeys + / -
The INCH measurement unit is set as a default one
A threshold is set to group fewer assets that are close to each other. A user can move to the next feature with a shortcut or tooltip arrow
A user can toggle visibility of a pavement image right next to the photoblog camera images
A user can toggle visibility of each camera for certain photoblog camera types
The U-Turn button is set to return current cycle
A horizontal scroll is available to fit more data columns in the Map table
A Training Modules section is added to the help page
LiDAR position and photolog images are synchronized for better playback experience
The CSV usage export file contains a user group column
The INCH measurement unit is added
A threshold is set to group fewer assets that are close to each other
Hotkeys for the synchronized playback and asset size are added.
The map extent for the loaded assets is increased to include more space from both sides
OAuth 2 is implemented for ESRI feature layers. A user can add both public and private layers hosted on ArcGIS online
A user can offset measuring distance nodes up or down by 6-inch increments
A user can Add/Edit/Remove features on the Map with the ESRI feature layer Editor Widget
Columns of the pavement table may be reordered
The pavement window shows the fault readings that are less than 0.000
Ocasional tears and spikes of the LiDAR asset shapes are eliminated
A user can export a LiDAR point cloud trimmed by a mileage range. When the export is completed the user receives a link to the LAZ file via email
A user can download LCMS distress files separately
A user can add a new point shape asset in an editable feature layer
Message is shown if a feature layer has classification
A user can adjust the size of an asset point
A user can select visual extent to display feature layer assets